Fun for the Whole Family with Kyle and Dannielle

Stories about Customer Collaboration

One of the most exciting aspects of this business is bringing our customer’s stories to life. Through sustainably sourced, hand-made, heirloom furniture, we create pieces that last for generations and bring families closer together and closer to nature.

Today, we will continue our series that features some of the incredible customers we’ve had the pleasure of working with and highlight their incredible stories.

Fun for the Whole Family with Kyle and Dannielle

Kyle and Dannielle commissioned a Red Oak and Walnut Table when they discovered the expensive kitchen table they previously had was falling apart. As they have two kids, they wanted something that would be more rugged and durable and last long enough to pass it down to one of their kids. 

When it was time to start the build, Kyle, Dannielle, and their kids came down to pick out the slab they wanted for the table. Dannielle and Kyle even let the kids take point for picking out the slab!

They were able to get the exact size they wanted and specified all the design elements they were looking for to create the perfect piece for their family. In fact, after the piece was commissioned, Kyle also requested a cutting board for Dannielle’s mother as a Christmas gift that I could make from the same tree, so a sentimental connection existed between the two pieces!

Customer Satisfaction is Always the Most Important 

The thing with custom furniture is that it isn’t like a big box store in the sense that one size fits all, because especially for furniture, that rarely is the case! Most importantly, a dedicated furniture maker will not rest until the client is delighted with their piece because the satisfaction comes from a customer that loves the finished piece you’ve collaborated on together.

In this instance, I made a mistake with the height of the table, and the base ended up being about 3 inches shorter than it was meant to be. At first, they tried to make it work, but fortunately, Kyle let me know that the table was a bit shorter than it was meant to be. Honestly, I was just glad he told me because then I was able to fix it!

I made a brand new base that was the correct height, fixed the mistake, and in the end, everybody was ecstatic. As we’ve mentioned before, custom furniture is an experience, and as with anything that isn’t made in a cookie-cutter manner, every so often, things aren’t perfect the first go around. But the customer experience is so vital to us, and we will make it perfect in the end.

This customer story had a perfect ending, too, as it ended with another incredible friendship being formed. Kyle even brought a friend to the farm to go bass fishing in our pond one weekend, and we all had a great time!


Making Memories with Wild Edge Woodcraft Ft. Dennis and Leslie


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